
 作者 (天神的禮物),               看板  RT_Min
 標題  【文件】符石導師資料完整版!!
 時間  夢之國度 (Fri Jan  3 14:00:25 2003)


符石    可猜次數               導師名稱
01     15       書吏導師馬龍(Malon the scribe teacher)
02     15       書吏導師拉登(Laden the scribe teacher)
03     15       書吏導師阿薩姆(Asamu the scribe teacher)
04     15       書吏導師歐魯斯(Aulus the scribe teacher)
05     15       書吏導師戴西穆司(Decimus the scribe teacher)
06     14       書吏導師班耐特(Bennet the scribe teacher)
07     14       書吏導師艾蜜利(Emilia the scribe teacher)
08     14       書吏導師菲利西亞(Felicia the scribe teacher)
09     13       書吏導師阿瑞莎(Aretha the scribe teacher)
10     13       書吏導師拉蕊(Laura the scribe teacher)
11     13       書吏導師薇拉(Vera the scribe teacher)
12     13       書吏導師馬瑞娜(Marina the scribe teacher)
13     13       書吏導師奧莉薇亞(Olivia the scribe teacher)
14     12       書吏導師諾兒(Noel the scribe teacher)
15     12       書吏導師法編(Fabian the scribe teacher)
16     11       書吏導師左依(Zoey the scribe teacher)
17     11       書吏導師克拉瑞(Clara the scribe teacher)
18     11       書吏導師柏那(Bernard the scribe teacher)
19     10       書吏導師金(Gene the scribe teacher)
20     10       書吏導師阿比蓋兒(Abigale the scribe teacher)
21     10       書吏導師愛咪(Aimee the scribe teacher)
22      9       書吏導師畢塔(Beeta the scribe teacher)
23      9       書吏導師卡曼(Carmen the scribe teacher)
24      8       書吏導師凡內莎(Venessa the scribe teacher)
25      8       書吏導師那塔(Nata the scribe teacher)
26      7       書吏導師米亞(Miya the scribe teacher)
27      7       書吏導師佛避(Fobee the scribe teacher)
28      6       書吏導師菲歐娜(Fiona the scribe teacher)
29      5       書吏導師窩鐮(Warren the scribe teacher)
大家努力猜數字吧...                 Hiv@RT


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